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Lawn Chief Riding Mower Manual

MTD’s family of brands offers a range of lawn and garden products to inspire people all over the world to care for and enjoy the outdoors. Cub Cadet®, which is produced and distributed globally, is the fastest growing riding mower brand in the U.S. and is hailed across the globe for its world-class sports turf equipment. MTD’s regional brands include Troy-Bilt® in the Americas, Rover® in the Pacific, and WOLF-Garten® in Europe. The portfolio also includes Remington®, Yard Machines®, Columbia®, and MTD Genuine Parts® brands, all primarily sold in the Americas; and Robomow® which is sold in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Each brand is backed by a strong network of MTD sales, service, and support.

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Lawn Chief Riding Mowers parts with OEM Lawn Chief parts diagrams to find Lawn Chief Riding Mowers repair parts quickly and easily COVID-19 UPDATE: Call Center OPEN (from home) and Warehouse SHIPPING to all 50 states (with some USPS/UPS/FedEx delays) Learn more. In the past, riding mowers and vehicles such as lawn and garden tractors used manual gear drive transmissions to change the mower’s ground speed. If you’ve ever driven a stick shift or seen someone do it, you have the basic picture. Model Numbers on Murray riding lawn mowers are found on the back of the mower or under the seat. Model numbers on Murray push mowers and walk behind mowers are normally on the center of the deck between the brackets that mount the lower handle.

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https://hereuload772.weebly.com/is-there-a-slot-machine-app-for-real-money.html. Lawn Chief 310 340 RER Riding Mower Tractor & Engine Owner & Parts (3 Manual s. Free shipping. Lawn Chief Riding Mowers parts with OEM Lawn Chief parts diagrams to find Lawn Chief Riding Mowers repair parts quickly and easily. COVID-19 UPDATE: Call Center OPEN (from home) and Warehouse SHIPPING to all 50 states (with some USPS/UPS/FedEx delays) Learn more.

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Mark Kikta

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Does anyone know where I might get attachments for my Lawn Chief riding mower. I bought it used 2 yrs ago and like it a lot, but don't even know if they made attachments. I am most interested in a snow plow attachment or snow blower attachment. Thanks.

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05-23-2005 07:00:39

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Any luck find a bagger for you Lawn Chief? I'm looking too. Thanks

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06-11-2002 16:46:19

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Please, I need a spindle assembly part #015891 for my 39' Lawn Chief mower.What phone number can I call to 'call up' for this part.My zip code is l0980.Thanks.

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05-05-2002 08:09:29

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
I was given a Lawn Chief model 720J. Was told it constantly drains the battery and just plain didn't work. A new battery and cleaning solved the problem, but now I need either a snow plow for it or a snow blower. My understanding is this is one of the bigger ones. It has a 18hp Briggs and Stratton I/C motor. Works great. Won't be using it for mowing the lawn as I live in the mountains of Colorado. But plenty of other uses. Any help is appreciated.
05-09-2002 00:54:57

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Kirk Rosa, 05-05-2002 08:09:29
I inherited a Lawn Chief model 720J several years ago. I can attest to the battery draining all the time. After cleaning everything and replacing the battery, it still drained down. I now disconnect the battery after every use. I am currently looking for a rear-bagger for it, p/n 230045, but have yet to find anything for it. Have you run across anyone selling parts for the 720J? From my understanding, MTD purchased General Power Equipment awhile back and has ceased making the bagger kit? I was also told that there are two sister models to the Lawn Chief, an Atlas and a Wheeler line, but have been unable to find any parts for these two lines either. Good luck on finding a snow plow or snow blower. I'll let you know if I run across one in my quest for the bagger.
08-10-2003 13:38:01

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Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachmen in reply to James McGuire, 05-09-2002 00:54:57
I have a model 12-39 F riding Lawn chief. It was purchased new in 1988. I need a small electrical part listed as part no. 135825 switch-clutch interlock.

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09-10-2003 18:22:57

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attac in reply to Greg George, 08-10-2003 13:38:01
I too have a 12/39. I seem to have an electrical problem. I cannot get the soleniod to click or power to the starter. I replaced the solenoid but still nothing. I jumped the started from the battery and do not get spark. I've also attempted to bypass the safety switches. Nothing. Any clue. I'm not planning on mowing with this. If I get it running, you can have the switches.

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06-27-2004 18:13:19

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and a in reply to challenged, 09-10-2003 18:22:57
I also have a Lawn Chief Rider, but mines a 11/36. When I first got I always had a hard time getting it started. The first thing I would do is making sure all the wires are in the right place on the solenoid and tight. Also check the fuse. If that doesn't work unsrew the starter gear cover. If it's jammed turn the fly wheel(either at shaft top of put a screw driveron the gear and turn.If none of theat works try jumping the battery from a car. If that works than you have a bad battery or bad ignition switch. If your ignition switch has three positions and the battery and ignition are good then unplug the lights. The plug is located by the starter, is gray. If you can't find it then unscrew the light cover and take the bulbs out by hand. And if all else fails jump the starter right from the car. I hope this helps. If anyone
has attachments that could be used with a lawn chief or a cheap engine above 11hp let me know.
04-21-2002 16:30:53

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Dear Sir,I recently had a riding lawn mower given to me.it was a lawn cheif 832 with the no.300on the side. it also gave the address of general power equipment co out of IL. service #2288734
model #300G Date code 35G SEQ # 2386G I Whould like to get a Manulal on this machine if Avaible.
It looks like parts of the carberator are missing
Iwhould like to Know what year it is,an if it is worth fixing. any Ideas Thanks Herb Fraser
15 North Central St. Peabody Ma.01960
04-15-2006 05:55:04

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Herb Fraser, 04-21-2002 16:30:53
I recently purchased a Lawn Chief 340 10.5hp 30' and would like to know who manufactured it. I also would like to know where to get a manual for it, as the belt broke and I need a size to order and the solinoid needs to be replaced.

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09-10-2002 09:13:29

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Herb Fraser, 04-21-2002 16:30:53
I have a Lawn Chief Mower that was given to me.
The motor runs fine after a little repair but
I need a maintainence manual to get the blade
and various parts in working order. I can do the work myself. Would like to know who manufactured
it as I can find no serial number or etc. Thanks for any help.

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06-27-2004 18:18:30

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Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachmen in reply to Earl, 09-10-2002 09:13:29
Either Wheeler or Atlas made yours, but they were both bought out by MTD. I am looking for a a manual for a lawn chief 11/36.

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02-12-2006 17:09:22

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attac in reply to Rojo, 06-27-2004 18:18:30
I have a manual for the lawn chief 11/36. What do you need?
I need some info you may be able to provide. I snapped the drive axle on the transmission. I have not been able to identify replacement parts because the id tag (which is supposed to be on the case) is lost. Can you provide id from your tranny? I have heard it is a peerless tranny.
Thanks, Pete

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05-07-2003 08:22:40

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Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Earl, 09-10-2002 09:13:29
I have a lawn chief riding mower its a 440, 12-39
service no. 229989 seq no.4875J date co, 49J i need a maintainence manual or a diagram on how to put the builts on could you please help me with this . Thank you Joan

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05-14-2004 07:04:18

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attac in reply to Joan Dubeck, 05-07-2003 08:22:40
I have a lawn chief 440 39' cut deck. I had the manual but lost it in a flood. Where can I get another? And where can I locate the info I'll need? Such as model no. serial no. etc.

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04-06-2005 16:50:17

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and a in reply to Jay, 05-14-2004 07:04:18
I also have bought a Lawn Chief riding mower 440 12.5 i/c 39
modle # 440m

I need a manual, the belt for the drive blades keeps slipping off when enguaged.
Roblox dmg download. Can anyone help me pleaseeeeeee..

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04-14-2005 10:59:36

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and a in reply to Del Kilbourne, 04-06-2005 16:50:17
belt slipping, try adjusting the tension on the spring that attaches to the handle for engaging the drive to the mower.
I need a part Number or OEM for the blades on my lawn chief 440

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03-17-2002 19:40:04

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Am looking for a gasoline tank (new or used) for garden tiller. Mde. 5CA; S#F003400 5hp. engine is briggs & stratton. Any sources

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08-10-2002 17:26:54

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Murray Garden or lawn tractor in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51

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Austin Scace

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
I have recently purchased a Old Lawn Chief Riding Lawnmower and too As Mike Kikta am looking for attachments to make it a snow plow or snow thrower. If there is such a way to do this and is inexpensive to do i would like to look into it more. Please contact me thru email if it is possible cause i do enjoy the rider alot and would like to use it for more than just mowing the lawn.

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02-04-2001 19:18:56

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Austin Scace, 12-12-2000 03:40:38
i own a lawn cheif snowblower attachment that i dont need any longer it fits a model 440 or larger i used to sell lawn cheif tractors for true value lawn cheif was bought out by mtd this blower is probally no longer made but i will part with mine the year i got it it snowed once and i no longer have the tractor

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07-10-2002 16:54:48

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Re: I NEED AN OWNERS MANUAL FOR A CRAFTSMAN TRACTOR MODEL 917.254230 in reply to JIM, 07-10-2002 11:01:14
Mower was made by ATP me thinks. Check with rowerdinks.com. Believe the E-Mail Ad is there. also maybe try Jacks small engines.

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08-02-2002 09:39:54

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Re: Re: montgomery wards mower in reply to Kent, 01-22-2002 12:10:55
Looking for Hydraulic pump for wards tractor 1975 model # Gil33184A

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11-29-2000 10:46:12

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
I am writing on behalf of Neil Burgan, a sixty-five year old Korean War veteran of the Air Force, living at the Veterans Home of California in Yountville. For the past ten years, Mr. Burgan has taken on the responsibility of maintaining the grounds around his residential hall as well as our Memorial Grove, a four acre park with trees planted to memorialize heroes from past wars. In addition to the countless hours of labor, Mr. Burgan has furnished his own equipment to keep the area manicured and mowed. When acute emphysema jeopardized Mr. Burgan's ability to care for the area, he purchased a riding lawn mower make the task manageable. In addition to mowing, Mr. Burgan also towed a trailer to haul his trimmers and hedgers and other equipment. Just this year, Mr. Burgan was selected as the Home Member of the Quarter for his devotion and care in providing a beautiful setting for so many to enjoy.

Recently, we were informed that the riding lawn mower needed repairs that far exceeded the value of the mower. Our grounds crew has resumed responsibility for mowing the area in and around Memorial Grove. Mr. Burgan took on the responsibility for the area some ten years ago because the heavier equipment used by the grounds department damaged the lawn. Memorial Grove is very special place for the 1130 veterans living at our home, and Mr. Burgan decided it deserved more TLC than the grounds crew could provide.

At this time, Mr. Burgan cannot afford to purchase another riding lawn mower. We are seeking a donation of a riding lawn mover for Mr. Burgan so he can again resume his labor of love. Please contact me if your company would be in a position to donate either a new or factory reconditioned riding mower.

If you have received this letter and would be more appropriately handled by another department or person, please be so kind as to forward it. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Thomas Hansen Member Advocate Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Home of California 100 California Drive Yountville, CA 94599-1413 (707) 944-4522 (707) 944-5005 FAX Tom.Hansen@cdva.ca.gov

02-12-2001 12:09:47

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Thomas Hansen, 11-29-2000 10:46:12
call gray davis for help.maybe he can nationalize the lawn tractor industry or get a kangaroo court to fix prices for him you dot gov flunky

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07-20-2000 03:35:26

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Lawn Chief 500 - 1239

Drive belt - needed. Please inform where I can get one, and what size the belt is? Talking heads remastered rar.

VELAVAL-Varmahlid hf
Sigurbjörn A. Fridriksson.

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06-29-2000 22:18:34

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
I've got a little more info,
It looks like Wheeler Manufacturing made the Lawn Chief tractor ( Wheeler might have been aquired by MTD). Call Quigley's Hardware in Fort Kent, ME (www.quigleystruevalue.com) Or Dixie Sales CO (1 888 998 7298)

It seems that Both of these places will have a good selection of Lawn Chief parts Office 2019 windows 7.

I hate to say it but there are probabibly no attachments for this mower, GOOD LUCK

03-10-2002 18:09:26

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Re: yamar--frozen hydralics? in reply to bj/8n/mt, 03-09-2002 05:50:03
Since you said it's green (pukke green), I'm assuming it's pre 1982, and it should be either a 240 or a 187. If it has a water pump, it is a 240. There should be a tranny dipstick screwed into the top of the tranny to the left of the shifter, and NO leather boot on the shifter.
Either way, Yanmar uses the transmission as the hydraulic res, and it probably has water in there freezing everything up. There is a hyd filter on the tranny also, and that should be available at NAPA. The hyd system on that tractor likes #10 hyd oil, or dextron II.
If you try to move the machine with ice in the tranny, you are in for damage. Best thing you can do is heat the housing, either with a magnetic heater or a torch. Heating from the bottom will work.
There is a brand new Yanmar board over on Tractorbynet, but most yanmar owners don't know the old US Yanmar tractors. There is also a Yanmar Club on Yahoo.
Yanmars are particularly sensitive to changing their hydraulic and fuel filters, so you might want to change both to save headaches, and replace the tranny oil completely.
06-29-2000 22:18:24

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
I've got a little more info,
It looks like Wheeler Manufacturing made the Lawn Chief tractor ( Wheeler might have been aquired by MTD). Call Quigley's Hardware in Fort Kent, ME (www.quigleystruevalue.com) Or Dixie Sales CO (1 888 998 7298)

Remote buddy 1 28 3 download free. It seems that Both of these places will have a good selection of Lawn Chief parts

I hate to say it but there are probabibly no attachments for this mower, GOOD LUCK

06-24-2000 18:15:25

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Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Mark Kikta, 01-28-2000 16:21:51
Does anyone know where I can get a blade for my Lawn Chief riding mower. It's about 14 years old and it's a great mower, but it needs a new blade and new belt.

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07-03-2000 14:41:26

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Re: Re: Lawn Chief riding mowers and attachments? in reply to Matt Weiss, 06-24-2000 18:15:25
Hi Matt, Thats an easy one! I also have a 14 yr old Lawn Chief tractor,like it so much I'm in the process of rebuilding the engine and mower deck instead of buying a new one.You can go to your local auto parts store with your belts in-hand and they can measure them , no need for factory replacement parts for this or your blades. Yes, even your blades are just off-the-shelf standard lengths and will fit ! If you run a bagger attachment you need to buy the bagger blades that are slightly different design to throw the grass clippings into the bagger or you can get mulcher blades instead of the standards. Note,do not replace just one blade ,buy the set, either the two or four.

Lawn Chief 42 Inch Riding Mower Manual


440 Lawn Chief Riding Mower Manual

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Lawn Chief Riding Mower Manual
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